5 posts
Tutorial: flashing a program to the ESP-8266 microcontroller
I was having trouble flashing my ESP-8266 using an Arduino (it used to work...), so I bought an adapter on Amazon. Here are the steps for using it to flash the ESP-8266.
Building "plug-and-play" Internet-of-Things sensors with Raspberry Pi
I have some leftovers of an earlier generation of sensors from the InSPECT project, and want to get them streaming their data over MQTT (as part of my general IoT-in-a-Box project). Self-identifying sensor/actuator devices InSPECT has had two main generations of sensors. This first generation connected over USB to a Raspberry Pi "hub", which sampled the data and sent it to over websockets to a server. (The newer, current set connects by audio cable to an ESP-32, which sends the data as MQTT m
Using "Internet-of-Things" cameras to create timelapse videos
The following is a technical post about using the Raspberry Pi and a Raspberry Pi camera to create automated timelapse videos. Since this project was part of a larger project to develop an "internet of things" science kit, the goal was to have the timelapse video triggered by an MQTT message. OK, so I don't currently have a really good reason to use MQTT to start a timelapse. I could have just ssh'd to the Pi and started a timelapse script that way. But I didn't, mainly because I wanted to move
Building an "IoT-in-a-Box" with Raspberry Pi, camera and sensors
Recently I've started the project of getting a Raspberry Pi to provide everything I need to IoT-ify my house. The general idea is to have one Raspberry Pi do three things: 1. read and stream data from any connected hardware (including usb-connected sensors, the Raspberry Pi camera, or GPIO pins), 2. run an MQTT server that relays those messages to/from any IoT devices, 3. serve a webpage where I can view data and control all available IoT devices A Bunch O' Uses Time-lapse controller: Wi